Are you looking for a place where you can feel free to enjoy a new way of being, of rest, relaxation, of meeting and sharing with like-minded people, of enriching experiences?
There is a unique space, a clothing optional place for adults only, that offers the opportunity to discover and explore sensuality in a safe and peaceful setting, based on respect and consent.
This naturist B&B is for all those who are establishing a new relationship with themselves and with others, without distinction of gender, orientation or atypical ways of being and behaving.
What is a Holistic Hosting? A naturist Bed and Breakfast near the beach?
Holistic Hosting is a concept for a new type of accommodation that offers the freedom to experiment with naturism and also supports the guests in their personal journeys to learn and enjoy how to live more sensual, healthier and happier lives.
It is “Holistic” because it puts the person at the centre of the whole, with everything that makes him / her / them up: body, mind and soul.
This Holistic Hosting is not common place and it’s much more than a naturist B&B:
La Casa Dorada is an oasis of greenery, nestled in a residential area of a small coastal village on the Costa Dorada in Spain that offers accommodation, breakfast and occasionally some meals, as well as Day Stays for couples / duos / trios to enjoy the nudist swimming pool in a secluded garden with a very special Body Treatment menu (including Tantra massage) in a relaxed and safe environment near the sea.
La Casa Dorada is “clothing-optional” which means being naked is welcome but not mandatory. A safe place is held for encounters and discoveries where nudity is at the centre of this research of self and others, establishing open, compassionate, empathic and non-violent communication and creating interesting and innovative ways of relating with others.
The naturist, “sex positive” atmosphere allows the guests to experiment within exchanges or meetings on body-based themes related to personal development whilst seeking out a new spirituality that integrates embodiment and sensuality.

What kinds of freedom can be experienced?
Primarily, the freedom of doing nothing and simply enjoying the place. Visit the nearby beach, enjoy the surroundings and discover Catalonia.
Secondly, the freedom to enjoy solitude, togetherness and community with the hosts and more so with other guests.
What are “Sex Positive” and Mindful Sexuality Workshops?
Recently a trend has emerged in which we can find our place: the “Sex-Positive” movement.
The “Sex-Positive” movement is above all a community of open-minded people:
→ It promotes the recognition of sexuality (in the countless forms of expression) as a natural and healthy part of the human experience.
→ It makes no moral distinction between types of sexual expression, orientation or identification.
→ It advocates for comprehensive sex education, safe sex and consensual sex
For these reasons, La Casa Dorada is a place for learning, experimenting and discovering Mindful Sexuality, while respecting the Code of Ethics.
Sex coaching/ educative sessions (Sexological Bodywork) are offered as well as various types of Tantra Massage.
Mindful Sexuality Workshops are given by the hosts. International teachers / presenters in the same fields of embodiment, mindfulness and awareness are also invited to give workshops (Click here to view the Calendar).
The workshops treat themes originally, have an inclusive approach and enhance the experimental and experiential side of the format.

Is it safe to be naked in the swimming pool or in the garden?
Definitely! For two reasons:
1) The secluded garden
The whole property is well enclosed and nobody from outside can see in.
2) The Code of Ethics / Consent
Consent is a basic component of the ethics of human relations, making permissible a wide range of conducts that would otherwise be wrongful.
The hosts are largely inspired by “The Wheel of Consent,” which is an idea from the awesome sexologist and intimacy coach Betty Martin.
At La Casa Dorada it is customary to ask before taking any action, and a “no” has no other meaning than “NO“!
How is a Day Stay Experience for couples / pairs / trios?
The Day Stay Experience is for pairs, couples or trios (adults +18), who are holidaying in Barcelona or at la Costa Dorada in Tarragona or who live near La Casa Dorada, to spend the day (11am-7pm) with the residential guests and hosts and discover the uniqueness of this guest house.
In the growing tropical garden, naturally refreshed by the sea breeze, guests can move from one place to another in the sun or shade of the banana and palm trees.
What could be more delightful than to swim naked, to feel the freshness of the water licking your bodies without the unpleasantness of wet swimsuits?

Who are the hosts of La Casa Dorada?
Hi there! If you´ve read this far it’s because you really want to know about us.
We are Simone and Christian, a German and French couple, and we moved from France to Spain with our little daughter a year ago. Simone is a breath therapist and Christian a Sexological Bodyworker and we were both working with people through individual sessions or workshops in France and Germany.
We were missing something that would allow us to be even more in touch with our clients/students so we created “La Casa Dorada,” a guest house for all kinds of people to gather, either for retreats, for workshops or simply for holidays.
Welcome to our world!