Sacred Intimacy: A New Perspective on Sensual Pleasure

Intimacy is often thought of as a physical act, but true intimacy goes beyond the physical realm. Sacred intimacy is a deeper, more spiritual connection between two individuals. It involves opening up to one another on a deeper level, both emotionally and spiritually.

Trust: The Foundation of Sacred Intimacy

Trusting in yourself and your partner is essential in order to fully open up and be vulnerable. When you trust your partner, you are able to let go of your fears and insecurities, allowing for true intimacy to occur. Trust is built over time through open and honest communication, consistency in actions and words, and the willingness to be vulnerable and share your deepest self with your partner.

Sensual touch and pleasure can help to release tension and stress, allowing for a deeper connection between partners. It can also help to increase intimacy and emotional bonding. When we allow ourselves to fully feel and experience pleasure, we open ourselves up to deeper levels of connection and intimacy with our partner.

Tantra: A Path to Sacred Intimacy

One way to practice sacred intimacy is through the use of tantra. Tantra is a spiritual practice that involves the use of sensual pleasure to connect with the divine. Tantra focuses on the connection between the physical and the spiritual, and it emphasizes the importance of the present moment.

Through tantra practices, couples can learn to be fully present and aware during intimate moments, allowing them to connect on a deeper level. For example, tantra practices such as breathwork, eye-gazing and energy exchange can help partners to feel more connected and present with one another.

Mindfulness: Anchoring Intimacy in the Present

Another way to practice sacred intimacy is through the use of mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and fully aware of your surroundings. When you are mindful, you are able to fully focus on your partner and the present moment, allowing for a deeper connection to occur. Mindfulness can be practiced through meditative practices such as yoga or tai chi, and it can also be incorporated into intimate moments through techniques such as slow and mindful touch, or the use of guided meditations.

It is important to note that sacred intimacy should be practiced with consent and communication. Both partners should be comfortable with the level of intimacy and should be able to communicate openly and honestly with each other about their needs and boundaries.

In conclusion, sacred intimacy involves trust, vulnerability, and the use of sensual pleasure to connect on a deeper level. Remember to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, prioritize consent, and be willing to be vulnerable to achieve a deeper level of intimacy.

Practicing tantra and mindfulness can help to increase intimacy and emotional bonding.


Christian Gouttenoire

Christian Gouttenoire certified Sexological Bodyworker and Sacred Intimate
leads workshops and retreats for women and men at La Casa Dorada