One-week journey into the heart of love, encounter and natural being.

It teaches the different keys and rituals of the Sahaja Tantra path in a relaxed, creative and undogmatic way.

It is an invitation to people of all backgrounds to discover and explore Tantra in a playful way. The retreat can therefore be used by newcomers as an introduction, as well as by experienced Tantric practitioners to deepen, broaden and keep alive their experience and knowledge.

Basically, each retreat offers experiential spaces for physical, emotional, sensual, mental and spiritual experiences: alone, in the encounter with a partner or in the encounter of the group. The depth and intensity of the experience always depends on your own willingness to open up. As facilitators, we see ourselves as present and open companions who support you in the depth of your experience as determined by you.

Our approach to leadership is based on the keys of lightness, freedom, presence, creativity and humor.

The exact contents of the retreat are spontaneously adapted to the group each time. They are based on the four pillars of Sahaja Tantra: the art of ecstasy, the art of relationship, the art of touch and the art of love.

Practical information

Title of the workshop
Tantric Paradise (Sahaja Tantra Retreat & Initiation)

5th to 11th September 2022

Participants: 10 – 20 (gender balanced)

Facilitator: Nils Kriedner

Main language:
Translation possible :

C/ Josep Pla 11, Roda de Bara

Workshop price:

600 – 1.200 € (You decide)

480 € (Early bird until June 19th)

Accomodation and meals: 480 €



Imagine the Tantric Paradise as a place and time where you are constantly and gently reminded of your true nature of being and your attention is gently directed from towards ease, bliss, well-being, openness, freedom and ecstasy – supported by the beautiful and pleasant environment of warmth, sun, water and the sea. So that at the end of the week you will experience a more ecstatic and free perception of your life, and in addition you will have a large treasure chest full of helpful tantric keys in your hands, which you can use in your life at any time, alone or in encounters with other people.

Many participants of past retreats report “one of the best times of their lives”, as well as “life-changing transformations”. Therefore, we can say, that the Tantric Paradise can enrich and transform your life if you are ready for it. So if you feel a resonance, follow your impulse and join us on this wonderful journey!

More information

For a short video clip with impressions of one of our past retreats, have a look at:

For more information about the path of Sahaja Tantra, please visit our website:

About your facilitator

Nils Kriedner

Nils has been teaching and exploring Tantra and Yoga for over 20 years, as well as meditation and martial arts for over 40 years. He learned and studied with teachers and masters in Europe, India, Japan, South Africa and the USA.

Over the years Nils developed the unique approach of Sahaja Tantra, which puts special focus on intuition, spontaneity and creativity in the exploration of Tantra.

Instead of telling you exactly how to live, love, touch or meditate, this Tantra path gives you exciting keys to playfully and intuitively explore and create your own path.

Another important focus of Sahaja Tantra is also the integration of Tantra into your everyday life, so that Tantra is not only a beautiful experience at special times, but can be experienced in every moment of your life.

More info about Nils