Core team



Simone‘s personal path of transformation began with the discovery of conscious breathing, which led her to a three-year intensive training at the Institute for Holistic Integrative Breath Therapy, founded and directed by Tilke Platteel-Deur and Hans Mensink. Today she supports clients with passion and heart on their journeys towards more joy, ease and self-expression.

Working with conscious breathing inevitably brought her in contact with topics such as sexuality, embodiment and conscious touch.

She decided to go further and explore the deeply transformative power of sexuality and how connected breathing could be integrated. She was trained as a Tantra Massage Therapist in Europe’s oldest and most respected Tantra institute, the Diamond Lotus in Berlin, which was created and driven by Andro.

Since then she has been guiding her clients, combining breathing therapy and the joyful power of conscious sexuality, on their paths for more presence, connection, embodied sensuality and fulfilling sexuality.



Christian is the founder of Neo Tantra in 2012 and the School of Mindful Sexuality, inspired by the Sexological Bodywork Method.

After 20 years of personal and sexual development, group psychology, relationship management and coaching Christian successfully evolved his creativity in the music industry and the field of architecture, prior to expanding upon his passion for psychology and sexuality.

For several years Christian traveled the world learning from masters and teachers such as Joseph Kramer, Andro in Berlin, Mantak Chia and briefly with Margot Anand. In his studies he received the Tantra Masseur certification from The Diamond Lotus in Berlin.

He is a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, which is his his main focus, and he also works as a Sacred Intimate. In his efforts to expand creative sexuality, Christian takes inspiration from the work of Felix Ruckert, founder of Schwelle 7 in Berlin, in finding common ways to access the ecstatic states between pleasure and pain.

Simone and Christian are the founders and the core team of La Casa Dorada. They are fully dedicated to creating a warm and supportive atmosphere, so that everyone can feel supported to open to whatever needs to be explored.

At La Casa Dorada, we want to celebrate and cultivate together body, heart, presence and awareness. We all have different life paths, but no matter where we are on our journey, we feel aligned with the project of La Casa Dorada: to create, learn, support, encourage, enable, share and develop transparency, truth and trust are at the heart of the project. Cultivating non-violent communication, mutual support and conflict resolution and supporting the healing of wounds, shocks and traumas in each individual. To help unfold the potential of each person. To celebrate life in all its manifestations.

Volunteering in La Casa Dorada

An Invitation to Join Our Tantric Family Community

Dear seekers of authenticity and fulfilment,

If you are ready to explore new horizons, expand your skills and embrace a unique adventure, then La Casa Dorada opens its doors to you with love and enthusiasm. We’re looking for passionate volunteers to join our tantric family community, a place where authenticity, self-discovery and fulfilment are at the heart of our daily lives.

We welcome all talented souls, especially those who excel in digital communications, video and photography, maintenance, gardening, childcare and much more. Your unique contribution will enrich our community in an exceptional way.

To join us, you must be fluent in English and have a good command of one of the following languages: Spanish, German or French. In addition, it is imperative that you are comfortable with the topics discussed at La Casa Dorada. This includes being completely open-minded about nudity, both your own and that of others, and caring about all expressions of sexuality, gender and orientation.

We ask our candidates to be available for 23 to 25 hours a week, spread over 5 or 6 days.

The organisation of our days is fluid and adaptable, reflecting our commitment to flexibility and mutual respect within our community.

In exchange for your commitment, we offer exceptional benefits. You’ll enjoy accommodation in a single room, three delicious vegetarian meals a day, access to all the facilities at La Casa Dorada, and the chance to relax in our naturist pool. For your personal work, you’ll enjoy a high-speed internet connection.

But that’s not all. You’ll also have the opportunity to discover Mindful Sexuality through inspiring discussions and sensual body practices. At La Casa Dorada, we believe in self-exploration and personal growth, and we’re delighted to share this experience with you.

Join us for an adventure full of discovery, love and sensuality. La Casa Dorada awaits you with open arms for an unforgettable experience in our tantric family community.

Contact us now to find out more about this incredible opportunity and to join our journey towards authenticity and fulfilment.

With all our love,
La Casa Dorada

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